Monday 28 July 2008

Far from Heaven

I think I deserve credit for endeavouring to cover all topics referred to in my initial introductory spiel (scroll down for more info...). With this in mind, I just wanted to share my latest film discovery (something I can't really take credit for, as everyone's been raving about it for years, and I'm probably the last one to see the bloody thing): Todd Haynes' 'Far from Heaven'. Julianne Moore is predictably good. Dennis Quaid was a surprising revelation. I've just finished watching it and it left me sobbing like a fool into my duvet. If you haven't already, watch it and PAY ATTENTION.

Monday 7 July 2008

Galaxy Cookie Bars

Just had a quick peek at my first blog entry and realised that one of the issues I claimed to be blogging about was "Food/drink/other", so I thought I'd share my latest obsession with you:


These are the fucking BOMB, I'm telling yer. Our local supermarche launched them long enough for me to get a serious flavour for em', before cruelly and thoughtlessly withdrawing them, leaving me wild-eyed and frenzied in the confectionery aisle... not fun. A few months later, they relaunched them. Sucked in, I proceeded to buy the buggers in bulk. Less than a month later, they withdrew the fuckers for a second time. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that they'd installed a CCTV camera above the relevant shelf, just to watch my stricken face as I desperately rifle through the array of Galaxy products, trying to identify the desired cookie-goodness, to no avail. They relaunched them for a THIRD time less than a month ago - but I remain cautious. I'm no fool. I refuse to be sucked into this psychological head-fuckery any longer. (Occasionally, when desperate, I will snaffle as many of the fuckers as humanely possible, hiding them under my Weetabix, whilst maintaining an air of nonchalance. At this point, I can hoover up more than two massive bars in one evening, no bother, without the most distant feeling of nausea. I actually woke up on Saturday morning, and troughed an entire bar before throwing back the covers. I dream about them at work. (Is this love? Or am I dreaming?) Upon reflection, I would not be surprised to discover that Galaxy Cookie bars are single-handedly contributing to the decline of my mental health.

So: Galaxy Cookie Bars. On limited release. APPROACH WITH CAUTION.

And what is this, we see? No blog entries for three months then two in one day?!
"Madame - with these endless blog entries, you is spoiling us..."

Straightening out (my head)

So, it seems that I'm not actually all that successful at maintaining my blog after all... disappointing! I haven't written anything on here since April, but I'm only actually aware of two people that are reading it. Both these people I know, love and trust, so spilling my emotional guts everywhere isn't anything that they haven't seen before...

Further to my maxim that "all people should be in therapy - all of the time", I am, of course, taking my own advice and trying to make sense of the scramble that is my head with the help of someone who is trained to be nice to me and indulge my neuroses. (Actually, this isn't strictly true. My counsellor-lady maintains that I'm far too hard on myself and that all my head-mess is TOTALLY valid and reasonable, so the self-flagellation stops here. Or at least I'll TRY and make it stop here - just comes so natural, like...) The way I see it, we're all big girls, boys and inbetweeners now, and I think people have a responsibility to take responsibility for their own shite, instead of inflicting it on innocent passer-bys/colleagues/friends/family/etc. If you're blessed with a natural disposition to run down those people around you who do something well, or succeed in some way, for example, I think it's your responsibility to try and address WHY you act in certain ways - and fix it - because it's only yrself you end up hurting, lady, when yr pals don't want to speak to you anymore... I find it quite difficult to sympathise with people who act like tossers and expect it to be excused because they've got 'issues': we've ALL got fricking issues, and it's up to you to sort it, for wider humankind AND yr own benefit.

The last year's been my messiest so far, so I've been trying to deconstruct my brain with the help of some seasoned 'professionals' (not actually sure if they're 'seasoned' or not - just like using that word. Makes em' sound like they're covered in a cajun spice, or some such). I was gonna write some more about how this has been going and what's emerged, but the clock's ticking and I'm going to my first Yoga/Meditation class tonight, as part of my efforts to mellow the fook out and CHILL.* The people who run the joint seem a bit 'culty' - I just can't help feeling suspicious of people that seem to be happy all the time - or maybe they've just had a lobotomy. Who knows. I'm about to find out...

And now for something completely different: has anyone seen the 'Glaswegian Dolmio' adverts on YouTube? Fucking hilarious, if you can actually understand what the fook they're saying. I think that I need to see/do more things that make me belly-laugh, so if anyone has any genius recommendations, please let me know.

*THAT'S why I haven't kept up with the blog: it's so bloody time-consuming, and there simply aren't enough hours in the day!