Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Guest blogger extraordinaire (well - not QUITE...)

Whaddup, possee! It's been a while since I've posted as I've been surreptitiously guest blogging for the last month on a popular feminist website. I don't want to say which one because it'll blow my cover, but for those who know: eek!

I've just emailed the editor to thank her for such a cool opportunity, which is exactly how I viewed it. Seriously high drama, mind; getting stuff out there into the world is not for the sensitive! I actually heard something along these lines on Radio 4 over breakfast this AM about how commenting online, and online communities more generally, are like this alternate limbo existence where there's limited potential to cause offence or hurt someone (because it's cyberspace, right?). Bag o'shite. I'd like to think I wouldn't be any more harsh online than I would be in reality, but I'm not entirely sure it's true... Anyway - wicked experience overall! I've got the hunger now...

There aren't enough lists in my life, so to save me precious time to watch 'Poor Cow' whilst the wife's out of the house (she's sick of my penchant for "bleak" films), I'm gonna summarise the latest in a list form. Mint!

Good stuff

1. The sun! After two long months of grim as fook weather, the sun emerged yesterday, on March 1. I'd love to say it's officially spring, but I'm not wildly optimistic...
2. Our new scanner. What can I say? I'm easily pleased. I'm now wasting vast swathes of time scanning every photo in my collection since the year dot.
3. xx Heard their album at my pal's house. Epic.
4. Time for reading. Obviously, this never went away, but over the last month I've just felt way too busy to make time for this absolutely critical of activities. Looking forward to getting back on the case.
5. This wicked new programme I caught the end of on Radio 4 at the weekend about working class representation in literature. More like this, please!

Bad stuff

1. My job. Still kind of sucks. I need to get the hell out of admin pronto.
2. My debt. Got a letter in the post from a debt collection agency upon returning home tonight, threatening to start legal proceedings. Fuck you!! I'm doing my damnedest to make it right.
3. Not seeing enough of my parents. They're wicked and I miss them loads.
4. Eating and drinking too much and not exercising. I'm currently on the fast-track for a heart attack... I need to give myself a kick.
5. Oxford? I have a love/hate relationship with this place. There's loads of things I really value about living here (gorgeous buildings, small enough to navigate on foot or bike, pals living really close by, easy living) but sometimes it just stifles me. Like now, for instance. The capital is calling!

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