Monday 7 July 2008

Galaxy Cookie Bars

Just had a quick peek at my first blog entry and realised that one of the issues I claimed to be blogging about was "Food/drink/other", so I thought I'd share my latest obsession with you:


These are the fucking BOMB, I'm telling yer. Our local supermarche launched them long enough for me to get a serious flavour for em', before cruelly and thoughtlessly withdrawing them, leaving me wild-eyed and frenzied in the confectionery aisle... not fun. A few months later, they relaunched them. Sucked in, I proceeded to buy the buggers in bulk. Less than a month later, they withdrew the fuckers for a second time. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that they'd installed a CCTV camera above the relevant shelf, just to watch my stricken face as I desperately rifle through the array of Galaxy products, trying to identify the desired cookie-goodness, to no avail. They relaunched them for a THIRD time less than a month ago - but I remain cautious. I'm no fool. I refuse to be sucked into this psychological head-fuckery any longer. (Occasionally, when desperate, I will snaffle as many of the fuckers as humanely possible, hiding them under my Weetabix, whilst maintaining an air of nonchalance. At this point, I can hoover up more than two massive bars in one evening, no bother, without the most distant feeling of nausea. I actually woke up on Saturday morning, and troughed an entire bar before throwing back the covers. I dream about them at work. (Is this love? Or am I dreaming?) Upon reflection, I would not be surprised to discover that Galaxy Cookie bars are single-handedly contributing to the decline of my mental health.

So: Galaxy Cookie Bars. On limited release. APPROACH WITH CAUTION.

And what is this, we see? No blog entries for three months then two in one day?!
"Madame - with these endless blog entries, you is spoiling us..."

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